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Academic strengths and weaknesses essay

Academic strengths and weaknesses essay

My Personal Strengths and Weaknesses Essay,My Strengths

WebSome of the greatest academic strengths include: learning from mistakes, honesty, integrity, responsibility, commitment, time management, kindness, problem WebStrengths and Weaknesses Childhood Forms Character. Psychological experiments have proved that the human’s character depends on the childhood. My Strengths. WebEssay On Academic Strengths Words3 Pages As a college freshmen, there is no doubt that I still have a long ways to go in order to achieve my academic goals. And WebAug 10,  · Academic strength and weakness Strength And Weakness Essay. It sure feels like putting yourself into a trap, but if answered honestly can land you WebNov 28,  · All of these strengths and weaknesses make a difference in my life. They define me as the person I was, am, and becoming. My weaknesses are what I can work ... read more

Developing my weaknesses and converting them to strengths will significantly improve the likelihood of my academic and professional success. Lastly I learned to be responsible for asking for help. Asking for help when I needed it was hard for me whether it was work or a lesson I did not understand. I am a shy person always has been always will be, I used to avoid asking teachers anything when I needed help. I did not want to seem like I was not smart or I wanted help but I was too afraid to ask. Some may take the easy way out, but others challenge themselves and take on what the world throws at them. Not everything in life comes easily, so some sacrifices have to be made for the long run.

Of course there will be those whose only goal is to just pass, nothing less, nothing more, but there will also be those who go above and beyond. We, as AP students, know that for a successful career, college is the first step and colleges look for students who challenge themselves in a tough course rather than getting a in a regular course. Throughout high school I have tried to take classes that were not only challenging, but would also be relevant to my future. I have taken nine AP level classes since sophomore year, and I have thrived in the difficult coursework that is meant to be college level. So far, I have proven my hard work and dedication by passing all of the AP tests thus far. I have also taken advantage of the advanced math coursework that is two years ahead than normal.

I began this track since the fifth grade, and I continued and progressed all these year. Not studying, not prepared, and horsing around was the downfall of my eighth grade year. Being able to take the Algebra 1 High School Assessment was a privilege to me when I was ahead of most of the students in middle school. I was egotistical and thought I had the test in the bag, so sure of myself but in reality I needed to prepare myself like every other student taking the test. Since I was in Algebra 1 my eighth grade year, I was able to take the Algebra 1 High School Assessment earlier than most students. But I started the year off all wrong, knowing that I was going to have the opportunity to take the test I should have set a goal to succeed in passing the test with the highest score even though in reality that might not.

Overall my struggles have changed my thought process from i can do this to i must do this and I will. It has overall effected my personal growth and I am ready to achieve success and that is why I have chose your college to apply to. My start opportunity was absent and it is time to build. IPL Essay On Academic Strengths. Essay On Academic Strengths Words 3 Pages. As a college freshmen, there is no doubt that I still have a long ways to go in order to achieve my academic goals. And through this journey, I know that I will encounter highs and lows just as I experienced in the past, most notability in high school. I keenly remember instances around this time where I doubted my abilities when subjects like math was proving to be difficult, even when I was trying to put in effort to stay on track.

I was struggling in math because I did not try to identify my weaknesses, and never tried to come up with solutions to fix my problems. Rather, I chose to give up on math and settle with a grade barely passing. My misfortune in math later helped me realize that I needed to change my outlook on school. Instead of dismissing a subject just because I was not good at it, I would rather try and identify what I was doing wrong, and work to fix it. Taking the the ACT engage test helped me realize what my academic strengths and weaknesses are, and how I can use this knowledge to capitalize these strengths so I can be more successful in college than I was in highschool.

Because I experienced hardships during high school due to my lack of determination, I worked to improve these aspects of myself so that I am not only more confident in my abilities, but also have a goal set in my mind that I can work towards achieving. I practice strategies such as avoiding to carelessly rush through homework by setting enough time to thoroughly complete the task, and investing myself to the tasks at hand. All of these had a direct correlation towards my academic self-confidence, because I now believe in my abilities to work through difficult tasks and.

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Spartanburg High School Reasonability Words 4 Pages Lastly I learned to be responsible for asking for help. Arrogance In America Words 3 Pages Some may take the easy way out, but others challenge themselves and take on what the world throws at them. Why are we all so afraid of saying it out loud? It is definitely not our favorite word. No one wants their weak spots pointed out, although we all have them. Why then the need to keep them hidden from plain view? Why we tend to find ways to avoid or manage around them yet not simply accept them and see the possibility for improvement through them? As a writer, there are things that I do well, but there are also things I could improve on to make my writing better.

However, when doing this I tend to not use the best grammar and be too wordy with my writing. I can definitely fix these issues, and continue to build on the things that I do well. Another strength is that I am willing to learn and communicate with others. Although I am not a fast learner, I will put more effort in order to achieve the result. Also, a good relationship with colleague would make all the things much easier. Therefore, I am energetic in communicating with others and having a connection with them. My weakness is that I am not a fast learner, but I am willing to learn. The self- assessment five-factor helps in knowing strengths and weaknesses.

Bases on the result, I do see that my strengths are to be dependable, organized, suited with to perform a job, always continue to persist. I love to enjoy trying new things, opened-minded and imaginative. Weaknesses not enjoy crowds, working groups or social networks. I am shy person, calm and unable to express myself sometimes all ideas or work…. The first of my strengths is achiever. This means that whenever I start something, I like to finish it and generally do whatever it takes to reach that goal. My second strength, adaptability, in a way, ties into the first one. Adaptability means being able to approach problems from different angles and finding new ways to complete things when one idea doesn't work.

I feel like these two strengths relate to me pretty well. I do not like to leave projects open ended whenever I start them and I'm usually pretty good at 'rolling with the punches. I find writing a very neutral subject because I am not terrible nor excellent at it. I have always written enough for it to be satisfactory. Therefore, I believe that one of my strengths as a writer is being able to understand what I have to write about and knowing what I want to say. I have a vast amount of ideas that never get a chance to come alive on paper. I feel that I am not very good at transitions and sentence structures. Another weakness is that it takes me an awful long….

Professional strengths that I possess are patience, problem solving, and irresponsibleness. When learning something new and working with diverse populations, I wind patience to be a powerful skill. Problem solving has been helpful when making forthwith decisions that have long term consequences. Additionally, I take great responsibility for my work and persona, whether it be checking my bias or producing excellent work. Similar to other students, each of my five strengths has a significant influence on my life at Grace as well as my studies. First of all, being an achiever clearly empowers me to pursue my dream of becoming a teacher. A few of the characteristics of an achiever are great stamina, productive, and a hard worker; these will definitely benefit me in the coming years.

Also, this strength will aid me in my goal of attaining good grades during my college time. No matter what, I always put my best effort into my work. The only weakness I have is adapting to change. I never knew I had this kind of trouble in life, but I learned about something I have to work on. After analyzing it I realize it is a problem. Because I get nervous when I start something new or when I get stuck doing something I cannot do, I start to get frustrated. After learning this about myself, I need to work on making my weakness into strength by adapting to any type of changes in my life. My strengths included following instructions and adhering to values. I am very good when I have instructions in front of me as I build something new or when I have an assignment.

Following instructions is my biggest strength in my life because it is something I use every day. Adhering to values is something new that I learned about myself just because I never noticed it in my life. I am the type of person who will stand by the truth in every situation around my. I find that my strengths include achievement motivation,school engagement, and reading for pleasure. I'm strong in these areas because I'm a naturally competitive person and find the need to compete with myself to do better then how I did before. My school engagement is because I have a natural interest and enthusiasm for learning new topics.

Reading is a strength because it helps me understand people better, it allows me to look into the world and mind of someone new and get and understanding of why they are doing what they are doing. Although I hold these strengths I am most definitely not a perfect…. This class to make us know ourselves better, I tried to analyse what is the thing that I am good at and how can I keep it. For example, I think I am good at communicate with people so I can work with team. About my weakness, I found I am really bad at presentation. I will practice more like trying to say thing in front of people and develop my skills. I started primary school in Ghana at an age lower than the average age that every child should start school. I was in class with mates who where two years older than me.

Starting school at such an early age made me realised some strengths and weaknesses. Throughout my secondary and university education, I have been able to build on some of the strength and work towards solving those that still stand as my weakness.

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. A limited time offer! Get a custom sample essay written according to your requirements urgent 3h delivery guaranteed. Since my childhood, my parents taught me to work on my character all the time. Each person has his strong and weak sides. It is impossible to eradicate all negative features, but we can make them less noticeable and harmful. The question is whether a person is ready to admit his character with all its good and bad aspects. Sometimes people just do not want to accept that some of their traits are not that good. Analyzing personal strengths and weaknesses is immensely hard work. Let me tell you about my experience in improving my character in this essay on strengths and weaknesses of a person.

Here you can find out how I manage to turn my negative traits into positive. Different surrounding factors have an immense impact on children. For example, if parents treat the kid with respect since childhood, the child will be confident. If mother and father argue a lot and do not pay enough attention to their infant, the kid will feel insecure. The same has happened to my spiritual development. My parents always taught me that I have to become successful in the future. They talked with me very seriously even when I was a small girl. Such an attitude gave me a certain responsibility to become that person that my parents wanted me to be. It is significant to mention that they would never tell me which profession to choose.

They encouraged me to make decisions alone. What they did was building my character of a leader. And it did help me to become responsible, goal-oriented, and confident in the future. In this academic strengths and weaknesses essay, I want to emphasize that sometimes it is even harder to acknowledge strong sides of the character than the weak ones. Not all people even find the sphere where they can show their greatest potentials. Fate may give us clues about which aspects of our personality are the best. Since childhood we have hobbies, we show what we like doing and what we want to do. However, some people have to seek their vocation inside their souls for a long time. Fortunately, I am not that kind of a person.

I liked organizational activities since school, and I knew that responsibility and leadership qualities are my strong sides. Even writing strengths and weaknesses essay examples can help you understand yourself better. I have always considered myself a responsible person. When anyone asks me which trait describes me most of all, responsibility will be that all-descriptive word. This feature correlates with my leadership qualities. When there are any organizational propositions, I take the initiative. I organize concerts, set up non-profit organizations, and help volunteers. I always feel that I can take that responsibility, and I coped with everything all the time. And I do not stop on what I had. I attend courses on leadership, read a lot, practice to become even better.

This helps improve my strengths day by day. As I was always ready to take the initiative at school and the university, I became the president of the local Student Council. This experience gave lots of new skills. I have to combine studying with volunteering. My perfectionist soul inspired me to attend each class and participate in various olympiads. I am proud that I have lots of diplomas and certificates which made me the most studious person at the university. I liked that feeling of being the best but it was a hard work on my personality.

However, I would not agree with that statement. There is no ideal human in this world, but there are lots of perfect ones. And I am not talking about the synonymic relations of these two words when you describe your strengths and weaknesses. They are different. If God exists, he will be ideal. Perfect equals well-balanced. These are people who admit their negative traits and try to change them into positive very consistently. That is why I respect people who know their weaknesses, and during the lifetime they manage to make use of these features for improving good characteristics. I will tell you how it works in my life. I am a perfectionist. And you may wonder why I have included this feature as the negative one, but I will explain you. Since school, I did everything I could to get the highest grades.

This trait helped me become a straight-A student. It made me angry, and I did not want to talk to anyone. Although I managed to pull myself together, this feature had not changed since childhood. Now I pay too much attention to failures and mistakes that I make. It does make me stronger, but I am not sure that all those details make me successful. For example, at the university, I wasted my time studying unnecessary subjects which were not significant for my future. I always think about how many other useful courses I could take instead of spending time preparing boring mathematical equations. I do not mean that we have to give up writing homework.

Just because I am more into linguistics, doing what is not my vocation was a waste of time. One person cannot have talents in everything, and Mathematics is my weak side. No matter how hard I tried to practice, I felt that this subject is just not mine. I marvel at people who can solve difficult mathematical riddles at one eye blick. Once I tried to pass the GMAT because I needed the certificate for further studying. I worked a lot and practiced a lot, but I could not get the result higher than It was embarrassing and even irritating. However, then I understood that without my hard work I could not get even points. Sometimes we do not have to be the best in everything.

It is pretty enough just to balance talents, and focus on that one which is in our gut. My strength and weaknesses make me who I am. I do not deny the fact that negative traits make us worse. However, they are the main spur for people to develop and broaden the mind. If people were ideal, there would not be a place for improvement. Such life would be boring and calm. We are born to fight for our personalities, build characters, and do anything possible to become perfect by balancing both strengths and weaknesses. Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website. If you need this or any other sample, we can send it to you via email.

By clicking "SEND", you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. We'll occasionally send you account related and promo emails. With a hour delay you will have to wait for 24 hours due to heavy workload and high demand - for free. Choose an optimal rate and be sure to get the unlimited number of samples immediately without having to wait in the waiting list. Using our plagiarism checker for free you will receive the requested result within 3 hours directly to your email. Jump the queue with a membership plan, get unlimited samples and plagiarism results — immediately! Strengths and Weaknesses. The whole doc is available only for registered users. Pages: 5 Word count: Category: Strengths Weakness. Get a custom sample essay written according to your requirements urgent 3h delivery guaranteed Order Now.

My Strengths In this academic strengths and weaknesses essay, I want to emphasize that sometimes it is even harder to acknowledge strong sides of the character than the weak ones. Personal Qualities I have always considered myself a responsible person. Academic Strengths As I was always ready to take the initiative at school and the university, I became the president of the local Student Council. Personal Weaknesses I am a perfectionist. Academic Weaknesses One person cannot have talents in everything, and Mathematics is my weak side.

One Last Word My strength and weaknesses make me who I am.

Academic Strength and Weakness,What are Academic Strengths?

WebDownload. A SWOT analysis usually represents strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It is commonly used in the professional world to analyze the past, present, and Webthings that can make or break your high school years are strengths and weaknesses, how your transcript reflects your effort, and what electives you take. My transcript shows WebStrengths and Weaknesses Childhood Forms Character. Psychological experiments have proved that the human’s character depends on the childhood. My Strengths. WebEssay On Academic Strengths Words3 Pages As a college freshmen, there is no doubt that I still have a long ways to go in order to achieve my academic goals. And WebSome of the greatest academic strengths include: learning from mistakes, honesty, integrity, responsibility, commitment, time management, kindness, problem WebAug 10,  · Academic strength and weakness Strength And Weakness Essay. It sure feels like putting yourself into a trap, but if answered honestly can land you ... read more

Good Essays. An example enrichment class you can pursue is coding. Overall my struggles have changed my thought process from i can do this to i must do this and I will. Asking for help when I needed it was hard for me whether it was work or a lesson I did not understand. You might be more adaptable to change and are willing to go with the flow.

Ask and collect feedback from others You can also consider obtaining feedback from lecturers, parents, or close friends, academic strengths and weaknesses essay. Alternatively, you can also recruit their help to go through your list of strengths to verify your self-identified strengths. This trait helped me become a straight-A student. You may also find these documents helpful Is Desdemona a figure of weakness or strength? My academic strength is trying to make goals for myself academically and having them accomplished.

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