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White australia policy essay

White australia policy essay

White Australia Policy Essay,You May Also Find These Documents Helpful

WebThe White Australia Policy describes Australia’s prejudiced approach to immigration, from federation until the late twentieth century. The Australian government gradually WebNov 22,  · The White Australia Policy (WAP) was a policy that was introduced in by the newly federated government. It was officially known as the Immigration WebMar 29,  · The White Australia policy was a group of historical policies that were initiated in response to regulate non-white immigrants but was also used to wield power WebThe ‘White Australia Policy’ was first put in place by the federal government in The overall aim of the policy was to limit non-white immigration, especially Asians. At the WebThe White Australian policy unofficially started in the ’s in the gold mines in violence against the Chinese. The start of the official White Australian policy was brought in ... read more

Before federation, politicians argued about who should be able to enter and settle in Australia. This meant that cheap and non-white labour must be excluded. Racial Issues played a major role in the WAP. The Chinese were a very big target for racial antagonism as they had different appearances and customs. Even though many were skilful and honest, they were victimised and attacked and until the WAP was always aimed directly at them. Aboriginal people were also a target for racial antagonism as they have always been treated badly. Economic Issues also had a part in the WAP as coloured immigrants were entering Australia for labour purposes. This use of coloured labour took work from people already living in Australia as they would work for. Continue Reading. You May Also Find These Documents Helpful.

Good Essays. Reasons for Australian federation, points for and against it words Words 2 Pages. Reasons for Australian federation, points for and against it words. Read More. Gold Rush Words 7 Pages. Gold Rush. Account for the Changing of the Government Policies Towards Aboriginal People over Time Words 4 Pages. Account for the Changing of the Government Policies Towards Aboriginal People over Time. Changing Rights and Freedom Words 5 Pages. Changing Rights and Freedom. Changing Rights and Freedoms of Aboriginal People Words 5 Pages. Changing Rights and Freedoms of Aboriginal People. Satisfactory Essays. How Did The Whitlam Government Contribute To Reform Australia Words 3 Pages. How Did The Whitlam Government Contribute To Reform Australia.

Lawson Context Sheet Words 3 Pages. Lawson Context Sheet. Gough Whitlam's Contricbution to Australia Words 3 Pages. Gough Whitlam's Contricbution to Australia. Powerful Essays. Origins of the Catholic Church in Australia. Aboriginals Essay Words 4 Pages. Aboriginals Essay. Reasons for Australian Federation Words 3 Pages. Reasons for Australian Federation. Why Did Ww2 Change Australia Words 4 Pages. Why Did Ww2 Change Australia. Essay On The Impact Of Protest On Aboriginals Rights Words 5 Pages. The Whitlam government was very instrumental in ensuring that non-European immigrants were no longer discriminated against in their quest to gain entry into Australia.

However, the same government came up with yet another policy which put a restriction on the general number of immigrants who would enter the country every year regardless of their race Collins, , p. This meant that their efforts to abolish the White Australian policy did not bear much fruit since the number of immigrants whether non-European or otherwise into Australia did not go up as expected. It was not until the year when Fraser came into office that the stringent measures were now lifted and there was an increased number of immigrants from various parts of the world with race no longer being a consideration of admission. The Fraser government was committed into bringing immigration changes in Australia and in , the government came up with anew framework which all the more ensured that no person would be denied entry into the soil of Australia based on their racial background.

The government laid emphasis on attracting immigrants from other countries, not paying attention to their race but more importantly whether those people can bring any value to the Australia. Presently, Australia is one of the countries who immigrations laws are somewhat friendly Collins, , p. The issue of race has since been dropped and it is no longer a consideration that determined whether or not an applicant will be granted entry into Australia. Other factors that are not considered and are therefore not barriers to entry into Australia include religion, cultural background, religion, language and ethnicity. By the year , Australia was estimated to have a total population of This goes to show that Australia has embraced other races into their country and this has paid off because the economy of this country has continued to take an upward trend despite the global recession that has been experienced over time.

Australian now views the social and cultural diversity that it has as a source of wealth and economic progress. The issue if immigration is one that has remained contentious in many countries. This is because many countries would like as much as is possible to protect their culture, beliefs and practices and they argue allowing many people from outside may water down their culture. The White Australian Policy remains part of the Australian history mainly because it was highly discriminative. We however get to understand that such discriminatory and stereotype kind of classifications does not help in nay way and especially for country that is seeking to grow.

Growth in a society and especially economical and sociological cannot be achieved in isolation. A society cannot hope to thrive, develop or progress in isolation at the exclusion of other societies. This is because there is no society that has got all the resources that it will require for development and there is always the need to engage other societies for combined efforts. Researches have shown that countries that allow immigration of people from other countries without having may restrictions have the advantage of fast economic growth due to the integration of various ideas and skills from different parts of the world. Australia is a good example and especially to those countries where discrimination based on race or any other kind of affiliation is still rife.

Countries and especially those that are classified as peripheral countries or third countries must give immigration a serious consideration if they hope to catch up with the affluent countries. It is only by lifting such barriers that notable economic development will be noted and the standards of life of its citizenry will be promoted. Collins, T. The white Australia policy. New York: Australian Catholic Truth Society. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? White Australian Policy. Table of Contents. Introduction Background Information Second World War Further Progress Abolishment of the Policy Current Status Conclusion References.

Australia was in a time of crisis during World War 2 when they were threatened by the Japanese invasions. Australia did not have a big population at that time resulting in not have a strong defence to protect Australia. They needed a plan to gain a huge population; they needed to populate or perish! Australia is a settler nation which is now made up of many ethnic groups who share similar cultural traditions, common language, shared history and a shared identity ABS, These groups contribute to what is referred to multiculturalism. Compared to other Western nations, Australia has one of the most diverse immigration populations Collins, , p. The meaning of multiculturalism in Australia has changed significantly over time. Today, Australia is a culturally and ethnically diverse country and therefore is a multicultural society.

In terms of public policy, multiculturalism can be defined as policies and practices implemented by the Australian government that aim to manage cultural diversity to benefit the whole of society Department of Social Services, Although Australia is a multicultural society, there are criticisms of public policy surrounding multiculturalism. Indigenous Australians have faced many changes to their original life style, with numerous policies being brought in. These policies had an incredible affect on how the indigenous Australians lived. The policies inflicted on the indigenous Australians varied widely and had numerous impacts.

The policies of assimilation, protection and integration had mainly negative impacts on the community, causing loss of identity, language and religion. The policies of self-determination and reconciliation, had mostly positive effects to the indigenous Australian community, creating a stronger bond between black and white Australians, encouraging the concept of closing the gap between indigenous Australians and non-indigenous Australians. However it was not the government, but the. Essay Topics Writing. Home Page Research White Australia Policy Essay. White Australia Policy Essay Decent Essays. Open Document. General Overview Introduction Australia…The Lucky Country, or so they thought. This act was racial, Australia were trying to create a white utopia, a paradox forged against the odds.

This was infuriating for the non — white and non — Europeans. This was called the Immigration Restriction act which is now known as the White Australian Policy WAP. In modern day Australia over 22 million people now live in this beautiful Country that has an equal society. This event was a first major gathering of all different races in the Australian olden days. On the Ballarat diggings there were corrupt Joes, which kept the law in force, however, these Joes were demanding and rude especially to the …show more content… In the Pacific Islanders act and the Immigration Restriction act White Australia Policy WAP were forced into a reality.

The migrants who were rejected were either refused entry or deported. Germans were either refused entry or put into a concentration. Get Access. Decent Essays. White Australia Policy Words 3 Pages.

The policy of Assimilation changed the freedom and rights of individual Aboriginal Australian. This policy fostered aboriginal people to change their, way of life, and adapt to the culture of 'white people' the individual aboriginals were expected to absorb and adapt to the white culture. The policy of Assimilation was difficult to enforce, as aboriginal people retaliated,…. This law has bought many cultures all around the world together, forming a country which embraces all cultures. The is policy has bought in multiculturalism, which bought in things such as…. Each colony had its policy for immigration and this often caused problems. There were fears that non white labour, which was paid less, would take the job of Australians and reduce wages. Key events in Aboriginal Australian history stem from the time Australia was first discovered in Aboriginal people were officially excluded from the vote, public service, the Armed Forces and pensions.

The White Australia policy was a group of historical policies that were initiated in response to regulate non-white immigrants but was also used to wield power over Indigenous Australians. The origins of the 'White Australia' policy can be traced to the s. White miners' resentment towards industrious Chinese diggers culminated in violence on the Buckland River in Victoria, and at Lambing Flat now Young in New South Wales. The governments of these two colonies introduced restrictions on Chinese immigration. It is evident that in the 21st century, racism and political abuse of power from one ethnic group to another is languished.

It is normal that in everyday life, we see people of colour, diverse culture and behaviour because our society understands and accepts differences. The Whitlam government made a significant contribution to social reform in Australia through the implementation of key domestic policies. These domestic policies focused on promoting social equality for various minority groups, which had suffered injustice in the past. These groups included Aboriginals, women and migrants. This is reinforced through the Whitlam government establishing the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Land Rights, introducing self- determination, implementing the Racial Discrimination Act and giving Aboriginals the same rights as other Australians.

The government successfully introduced multiculturalism, which accepts cultural and ethnic differences within society, by abolishing assimilation…. There are two main stories of multiculturalism in Australia. One is that of an Anglo Australian nation and one of an immigrant nation. First Australia only federated as a white British nation in Moran assertively states Australia's national identity has then shifted from a white based British Australia, to a diverse, multiethnic, and officially multicultural Australia since the s. p , The change of ethnicity through Australia has made drastic changes to the country.

Firstly Elder P suggests between the s and it was strongly felt that Australia could be a country of loyalty, instead of a prison. The idea had come to populate Australia with hard working people rather than convicts which was the case pre s. After more immigrants were brought to Australia, countries like Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Greece, Turkey, other non-British source countries and a small amount of Asians. From the arrival of the Europeans and people from other countries Australia has adapted a lot of different cultures and way of life through activities such as cooking, building, creating and accomplishing…. Through the policies of Protection , Assimilation s , Integration and Self-determination , governments directed where and how Aboriginal people should live.

These policies changed over time as a result of internal social activism by Indigenous Australians and the pressure of changing beliefs Human and civil rights. White Australia policy. Feminism started to come in. Federation movement — Australia becoming a nation. Bush people created their own nation to be divided away from Australia. Protectionist era of Indigenous Australia. The government were able to dictate what the Aboriginals did. Indigenous people had no rights. In the immediate post-war years, Australia was only second to Israel in the proportion of migrants accepted into the country.

It went from 7 ½ million to 13 million people. Half of the new arrivals were of European descent and approximately 1. In July , the Australian Government made an agreement with a new International Refugee Organisation to settle displaced people from European camps. These people came from countries such as Poland, Yugoslavia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine, Czechoslovakia and Hungary. They were fleeing communism and the Nazis, many of their homes had already been occupied by such groups and approximately 25, of these people were Jewish refugees who survived concentration camps.

Up until , British immigrants had blatant priority in terms of Australian settlement compared to European immigrants due to the White Australia Policy, which was only abolished in due to the loss of so many Australian men. For example, the American troops introduced Australia to Jazz and Soul music, while the Italian refugees presented their…. Ever since the first convicts, Australia became a great recognition of multiculturalism, most people support the different races among the Australian culture. All though there was a fall out with the way aboriginals in Australia were treated we brought out our….

It was believed the policy needed to be established as countries, including America, struggled with the influence of non-white races. Australia is a welcoming nation. We allow people from all nationalities to apply to migrate,seek refuge or even just visit Australia, regardless of their culture, religion, language or ethnicity, provided they meet all the visa laws. HOME ESSAYS White Australia Policy. White Australia Policy Good Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. The white Australia Policy The White Australia policy was tremendously racist, in the way that it discriminated against any individual that were non-European. The policy thrived until the end of World War Two when the laws and immigration rights were loosened.

There were various reasons behind why the policy was created, and two specific people, Edmund Barton and Sir Henry Parkes assisted with the formation. The White Australia policy also had an impact on the immigration and multiculturalism within Australia. Many reasons and people effected the evolution and creation of the White …show more content… In the test you had to write down 50 words in the given language. The dictation test could be in any European language, so people from china or the pacific islands probably would not know the language. A person from Japan could be tested in French, a language that they have never heard let alone learnt before. In the test was changed which mean that it could be given in any language in the whole world. However, there was one other way to enter the country and it was to be under a very strict exclusion of the rules or to have close connection with sponsors in Australia.

This test impacted 3 main groups of people which were; Japanese pearl divers, Pacific Cane Cutters and Chinese Diggers. If the applicant failed the test they would be refused entry to the country and be told to leave immediately or they were put in jail for 6 months then were told to leave. In to the test was sat times with only 46 people successful. Today Australia is encouraging a multicultural country. Many anti-discrimination campaigns promote cultural diversity. Many Australians are ashamed of the history. Today white Australians are encouraging people to immigrate and live a better way of life. White Australians are intrigued by culture and beliefs of many other races. People have learnt the benefits of having a nation that is diverse to create harmony among everyone.

Through the abolition of the policy, Australia has evolved into a multicultural country. Australia is a successful country and the multiculturalism now is a major improvement from the past. The White Australia Policy left behind a legacy today that many Australians are ashamed about but want to help make everyone in Australia feel equal no matter what colour skin you have. The policy effected immigration allot over the years after it was abolished. People were scared or nervous to come to. Continue Reading. You May Also Find These Documents Helpful. Good Essays. Rights and Freedoms of Aboriginal People over the Past Century Words 4 Pages. Rights and Freedoms of Aboriginal People over the Past Century.

Read More. Gough Whitlam's Contricbution to Australia Words 3 Pages. Gough Whitlam's Contricbution to Australia. Reasons for Australian federation, points for and against it words Words 2 Pages. Reasons for Australian federation, points for and against it words. Gold Rush Words 7 Pages. Gold Rush. Racism In Montana Words 3 Pages. Racism In Montana Satisfactory Essays. How Did The Whitlam Government Contribute To Reform Australia Words 3 Pages. How Did The Whitlam Government Contribute To Reform Australia. Argumentative Essay: The True Australian National Identity Words 4 Pages. Argumentative Essay: The True Australian National Identity.

White Australian Policy,Background Information

WebNov 22,  · The White Australia Policy (WAP) was a policy that was introduced in by the newly federated government. It was officially known as the Immigration WebThe White Australia Policy was an immigration policy perused in Australia between and the late 's to exclude non-European migrants. In the 's large numbers of WebThe White Australia Policy describes Australia’s prejudiced approach to immigration, from federation until the late twentieth century. The Australian government gradually WebThe White Australian policy unofficially started in the ’s in the gold mines in violence against the Chinese. The start of the official White Australian policy was brought in WebIntroducing the ‘White Australia’ policy From White Australia to Multiculturalism Conclusion References In the first part the concepts or race, ethnicity, prejudice and WebMar 29,  · The White Australia policy was a group of historical policies that were initiated in response to regulate non-white immigrants but was also used to wield power ... read more

In the end they started to restrict Chinese immigration around Australia, however the people that did make it through got enough wealth to settle in Australia. Federation movement — Australia becoming a nation. Essay about Indigenous Health Words 6 Pages. Further, the government issued instructions to all posts overseas that race be totally and completely disregarded when considering applicants who would wish to immigrate to Australia. Effects Of Racism In Australia Words 5 Pages Britain was the biggest colony power in the world. Aboriginal people were officially excluded from the vote, public service, the Armed Forces and pensions.

The issue of race has since been dropped and it is no longer a consideration that determined whether or not an applicant will be granted entry into Australia. Work Cited "White Australian Policy. The main of this Act therefore was to prevent entry of people who were considered undesirable for the progress of the society in Australia. In the commonwealth Government held a national conference on Aboriginal affairs, white australia policy essay. White Australian Policy The white Australian policy spanned from to It presumed that Indigenous Australians could enjoy the same standard of white australia policy essay as white Australians if they were absorbed into white society. Under the provisions of the revised Act any applicant wishing to enter Australia needed not give details of their race as was the case previously.

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