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Conscription essay

Conscription essay

Argumentative Essay: Is Conscription Good Or Bad?,The Kent State Massacre

WebConscription is in essence nothing less than slavery because it forces individuals to do what they may not want to do. In addition, conscription also puts a financial burden on the economy because the huge cost to train draftees come from the taxpayers’ money and Webconscription Essay The Importance Of Conscription On Australia. They all had played an important part in Australia’s army system and Argumentative Essay On Conscription In WebWrite my paper now! The reason why the system of conscription (or “draft”, as it is commonly referred to in the United States) is inferior to that of volunteer or WebConscription, better known as the draft, was first introduced during the Civil War as a way to get more individuals involved in the military to fill vacant positions. The practice of the WebDec 7,  · Its main thesis about conscription is that it was necessary to keep a strong Canadian contingent fighting, not only to help the war effort, but also to show the world ... read more

No matter how hard Borden tried, not many people accepted the loss of so many innocent young men as simply the consequences of a war that half the country did not support. Morton, Desmond. Canada, Random House, This book, written by Desmond Morton in , is a secondary source that talks about the experiences of Canadian soldiers in World War I. Its purpose is to give information about what it was like to be a soldier in the Canadian forces during World War I through historical research. Its main thesis about conscription is that it was necessary to keep a strong Canadian contingent fighting, not only to help the war effort, but also to show the world what a power Canada was. The main value of this book is that it is written by a well-known and well-respected historian and therefore the information within it is reliable.

Its main limitation is that it is a secondary source written many years after the war by someone who did not experience it first hand, and therefore all the information is based on research conducted by him. Grubb, Edward. Memories of the No-Conscription Fellowship by the Treasurer. Canada: Richard Cobden-Sanderson, This source, written by the treasurer of the organization, Edward Grubb in , is a primary source that recounts the No-Conscription Fellowship, an organization against conscription in Canada during World War I. Its purpose is to give information and detailed accounts of what the organization was and what it did to help in the fight against conscription. Its main thesis is that conscription was wrong because it infringed on basic human rights, and therefore it was their duty to oppose it and fight it any way they could.

Its main value is that it is a primary source written by someone who lived during the war and fought conscription himself, and therefore the information is a first-hand account. Its limitations are that it only gives one side of the argument about conscription, and it was written around 17 years after the war, and therefore the information may be embellished or changed. The evidence against conscription far outweighs the evidence for it. This section will analyse what effect conscription had on the population of Canada, and then the opinions of historians on conscription. Finally, I will look at the importance of this issue in the history of Canada. When conscription was first proposed, there was an instant divide between English and French Canada.

English Canada was generally for conscription as they felt they should support Britain as much as possible. x French Canada on the other hand, felt no loyalty towards Britain and therefore was strongly opposed. The issue of conscription threatened to divide Canada. Borden faced a tough decision, he had to decide whether to support Britain and gain international recognition, or save his country from internal destruction. When Border chose the former, there was instantly civil unrest throughout the country. In Quebec, there were riots protesting conscription and many refused to serve when they were conscripted. It was not only the men being conscripted who rebelled, police in Quebec who were supposed to get the conscripts mostly refused to do it, so Borden had to gather a special conscription force to go and collect the men.

The country was divided as it had never been before, and Borden was very worried. French Canadians were extremely angry at the ignorance of Borden and his lack of sympathy for their cause, while English Canadians felt that the French were going against Canada by opposing conscription. Borden had no solution for this problem, and Canada would remain divided for many years to come. Most historians, when talking about the issue of conscription in Canada during World War I, agree that it was unjustified. One of these historians was Grant Dexter, who wrote an essay specifically on the conscription crisis of He believed that conscription was wrong because of three main reasons.

xi The first, was that it divided the country between English and French and soured relations between the two for years to come. The second reason, was that it infringed on basic constitutional rights set out that said that no man should be forced to fight outside of Canada unless the territory of Canada is threatened directly. This is not to say that all historians agreed that conscription was wrong, some still believed that it was the right thing to do. In this book, he gives the point of view that conscription was necessary for two main reasons. xii The first, was that more men were necessary to help the war effort in Europe and without it, the central powers might be victorious.

The second reason, was that Canada needed to show that she could be a formidable power in international affairs and could hold her own against any other country in the world. Because of these two reasons, Morton felt conscription was the only solution. As is evident from this section, the debate about conscription is not completely one-sided, however the arguments against are far more convincing. The impact of this issue on Canadian history is very great indeed. This was the first time in Canadian history that men had been forced to go to war out of North America. The divisive consequences of conscription would be evident for many decades to come, as there would always be a certain grudge between English and French Canadians on the issue of loyalty to Britain.

Over the years that passed after conscription, the issue would continue to be brought up whenever loyalty to Britain was in question or debate. Because of this, many people see it as both a negative and positive event. It is seen as negative because of the division that resulted from it, but it is also seen as positive because it is hard to question our loyalty to Britain when we were willing to go so far as to force young men to go to war and most likely death, simply to show our support for their cause. Conscription will always be remembered in Canada as an issue that separated Canada, but brought us closer to Britain.

In conclusion, conscription in Canada during World War I was unjustified and wrong. It infringed on the basic rights of Canadians set out in the constitution that stated that no man should be forced to fight outside Canada unless there was a direct threat to Canada itself. It also was never fully supported in Canada, simply by the English Canadians who outnumbered French Canadians and therefore made up the majority. It divided Canada between English and French Canadians in a separation that was never fully mended, as there was always a certain resentment between the two groups. The facts speak for themselves, less than fifteen percent of the men conscripted were sent to duty overseas, which shows how futile and useless conscription was.

Finally, and most importantly, many innocent lives were lost as a result of conscription, lives that would never be recovered. It does not matter what benefits we gained from the war, nothing can justify the loss of so many lives. Was Conscription Necessary In Ww1. com, Dec 07, It would be strange to enforce conscription in America given the fact that this country has offered refuge to numerous intellectuals from Europe who migrated here in order to escape compulsory military service Reed. Conscription may actually weaken the U. armed forces rather than strengthening it. The power of any military is also determined by the unity among the soldiers and a conscription may lead to two factions; one those who support compulsory military service and others those who oppose military service.

This may lead to lack of cooperation between the two factions. Conscription may also send the message that individuals belong to the state while the founders of the nation clearly implied that individuals have god-given rights that cannot be taken away by the government and one of these rights is freedom of choice. Even U. President echoed the concern that conscription assumes individuals belong to the state Paul, Ron. Another argument against conscription is that it may lower the quality of U. armed forces. Conscription may result in one year or two year compulsory military service but now it takes just six months to give basic training and another few months are required for specialized training Kaplan.

If the military conflicts of the last few decades have taught us anything, we need more skilled armed force and not less. The future conflicts will only get more complex because now wars do not only happen against sovereign countries but also organized, borderless, and ruthless terrorist organizations like Al-Qaeda. Conscription is in essence nothing less than slavery because it forces individuals to do what they may not want to do. Another case against conscription is that the need for manpower will only decline over time Becker as we have already seen in Afghanistan. Drones are now being used in place of pilot-driven bomber jets. Thus, conscription is not only unconstitutional but also ineffective.

It results in inefficient allocation of scarce resources, weakens the cohesion in the armed forces, and reduces the skill level of an average military soldier. Becker, Gary S. The Case Against the Draft. Kaplan, Fred. The False Promises of a Draft. Paul, Ron. Against Military Conscription. Reed, John. Why I Am Against Conscription. Challenges to Project Communication, Essay Example. First Nations Cultural Perspective on Mental Disorders, Research Paper Example. Need a professionally written Custom Essay? Right now, you can get a professionally written essay in any discipline with a. We're now sending you a link to download your e-book, please check your e-mail. Thank you! You can receive the notifications now.

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While the all-volunteer military force established in by the US has been adequate up to the end of the last century, recent events have resulted in the over stretching of the military forces of the country. These events have been in the form of the ongoing conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan; both of which have resulted in the deployment of thousands of US troops. This has resulted in some policy makers giving consideration to reinstating a military draft to increase the military forces numbers therefore relieving the armed forces of the pressures that they currently face. These propositions have been met by mostly negative reactions by the American public who deem a military draft as a violation of their civil liberties.

However, the US faces multiple wars and increasing threats from hostile nations leading to a high demand for a bigger army. These realities seem to dictate that a reinstatement of a military draft may be in the best interest of the US. This paper shall set out to argue that a military draft should be reinstated since it holds numerous merits for the country. A military draft will result in a situation whereby all citizens will be required to serve the country in an equitable manner. This will result in a sense of patriotism and loyalty by the army personnel.

As it currently stands, military service is viewed as a way to make a living. It can therefore be alluded that most of the people enlist to the army as a means of employment rather than from a sense of duty to the country. Asher reveals that in 18th century France, the army was made up mainly of enlisted personnel who joined the army to avoid poverty, unemployment or the law 3. In effect, this army had a severe desertion problem and there was lack of loyalty since the soldiers were little more than mercenaries.

However, when conscription was introduced where all French men and women were eligible for mandatory military service, the draft was regarded as a republican duty and hence loyalty increased and desertion decreased. Defending the country should be the civic responsibility of every citizen of the country. This clearly points out that the military does not have an equal representation from all levels of the society but rather is made up mostly of minorities and the working class. By reintroducing the military draft, this situation would be changed since all members of the society would be forced to participate in military service in an equal manner.

A military draft would result in more public involvement in the activities of the military. As it currently stands, most citizens are apathetic to the military and their only concern is how military activities affect their taxation. As a result of this non-committal nature, politicians do not have to seek popular approval before committing troops to battle. Weisberg best illustrates this by noting that in , 3 years after the Iraq war had began, the US did not feel like a nation at war even though American troops had been killed and maimed in battle up to the date. Dickinson states that a society wide draft would result in more families and politicians having their children or kin in the military This would result in greater deliberations before sending the soldiers into battle since the human sacrifice being made in war would be greater felt Bardes, Shelley and Schmidt In addition to this, military draft would result in greater political fallout from unpopular wars since people would be more willing to take onto the streets to demonstrate against the war.

A major argument advanced by opponents to military draft is that this system results in forcing of people to serve in an army against their wills. From this, it can be seen that a military draft is in reality a system where the citizens are afforded the chance to fight for their country. Bandow states that conscription would lower the level of the US military since it would require the induction of less qualified personnel who are rejected in the all-volunteer system of present time 1. The argument that conscription will lower the standards of the army therefore fails to hold true in light of this revelations.

This paper set out to argue that a military draft is needed to ensure in the US. To reinforce this assertion, this paper has discussed the merits that military draft would have to the military as well as the society as a whole. Reinstating the military draft would result in equal representation from all levels of the society therefore leading to more citizen involvement in military affairs and hence accountability by politicians. A military draft would also strengthen the US military in numbers which would be desirable since the US is facing a much dangerous world today and the all-volunteer military is simply too small to meet the global demands that the US military faces.

Asher, Robbie. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Bandow, Doug. Policy Analysis , No. Bardes, Barbara. American Government and Politics Today. Cengage Learning, Increasing the Size and power of the U. The Brookings Institution, Sullivan, Gordo. Weisberg, Jacob. Need a custom Research Paper sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? Military Draft: Arguments for and Against. Table of Contents. Introduction Arguments In Favor of Military Draft Arguments Against Military Draft Conclusion Works Cited. Learn More. We will write a custom Research Paper on Military Draft: Arguments for and Against specifically for you! Not sure if you can write a paper on Military Draft: Arguments for and Against by yourself?

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Military Conscription (Persuasive Essay),Cite this page

WebWrite my paper now! The reason why the system of conscription (or “draft”, as it is commonly referred to in the United States) is inferior to that of volunteer or WebDec 7,  · Its main thesis about conscription is that it was necessary to keep a strong Canadian contingent fighting, not only to help the war effort, but also to show the world WebConscription is defined as compulsory enrolment for national service which basically means forcing men to sign up and fight. Many people were against it and many were for WebOct 29,  · However, when conscription was introduced where all French men and women were eligible for mandatory military service, the draft was regarded as a WebMilitary Conscription Conscription, or more boldly the draft, has not been in place for some thirty years. While some people cringe at the thought of reinstating the draft, WebConscription, also known as drafting, is a law that the government made for people to go to war. This law stated that anyone who was old enough and was able to fight in the war ... read more

The evidence against conscription far outweighs the evidence for it. While some people cringe at the thought of reinstating the draft, others have different views. Today the draft is not used but the US still requires its year-old. The costs of military personnel have soared in recent years, it would make elected officials think twice before sending troops overseas since there will be a larger pool of draftees it would create a melting pot of backgrounds. armed forces.

The Civil War, the deadliest of the American armed conflicts, compelled the both warring sides to enact the conscription. It would be strange to enforce conscription in America given the fact that this country has offered refuge to numerous intellectuals from Europe who conscription essay here in order to escape compulsory military service Reed. Work Cited "Military Draft: Arguments for and Against. The Conscription Crisis Of World War One Words 8 Pages, conscription essay. At first, the drafts required men between the ages of 18 and 35, but conscription essay the end became unclear for both sides, the age pool was changed to men ages 17 to Conscription will always be remembered in Canada as an issue that separated Canada, but brought us closer to Britain, conscription essay.

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