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Essay on careers

Essay on careers

Essay on Career,Related Posts

WebAug 10,  · Essay on Career and Career Choice Long and Short Essay on Career. Choosing a career is a big decision and the irony is that we are not prepared to take A Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins WebHow To Write a Rousing Career Essay 1. Devise an Engrossing Title. The first thing to think about when writing an essay is coming up with an 2. Introduce With a Hook. After WebNov 19,  · Example Of Essay On My Career Path. Type of paper: Essay. Topic: Finance, Path, Students, Market, Career, Trade, Choice, University. Pages: 3. Words: Web1) What 's the most important thing for you to get from your career? This is a question I have been asking myself quite a bit lately as I approach postgrad life. I believe the most WebCareer Essay 4 ( words) Introduction. Building a career requires education, skill, determination as well as good opportunity. The key is not to give up and continually ... read more

However, the competition is tough. So merely enrolling to a good course would not help. You must work hard and pass the same with good grades in order to build a strong career. Every company desires good business. Their primary goals are to earn money, spend in intelligent ways that will increase the company value, and have enough money left to stay clear of debt. It is critical that a company have good financial management in order to attain these goals. Without the proper direction and implementation of solid financial strategies, few companies will survive. Upon completion of my degree, I am planning to work in the field of financial management as a finance officer. A finance officer directs the company budget toward their financial goals, oversees investments, and the financial objectives of an organization.

They may also deal with acquisitions and mergers. The entry market is highly competitive and any additional experience or education obtainable is an advantage. Many companies prefer to hire financial managers with an advanced degree or some experience. As I begin my job search, I will research each company of interest to determine their criteria for hire. I understand that some companies require entry exams or a certificate program through their company for prospective employees. Also, it may be necessary to take a position with less responsibility or compensation in order to obtain the experience necessary to advance. My education in computers is will be an advantage since all financial and inter-office interaction is typically computer based.

My excellent communication and people skills will assist me in a position as a finance officer. Since most managers will be directly overseeing other employees, being able to direct projects, assign responsibilities and lead others towards desired goals is critical. It is also important to be able to work in a team environment and to be able to explain complex financial information in a clear way. I believe that these are some of my strong points. A successful finance officer is one who is willing to constantly learn and grow in their field. They must change in response to technological developments and data analysis techniques. They must stay on top of the current trends and information in the financial field and they need to be aware of current tax laws governing their industry.

Various seminars and workshops are available for continuing education, which may or may not be required, but are always a good idea. The Internet provides much of the current information in the finance world, but trade journals deliver cutting edge information. Both of these regularly have articles about current research, software development, and information of interest to those in finance fields. They post meeting minutes and notifications of available workshops as well. Candidate, who chooses chemistry as a career, must have passion to know about science and chemical substances.

Chemistry is a branch of the science which explores the composition, properties, and transformation of substances and various elementary forms of matter. All human activities deal with a material world, which consists of chemicals, both natural and manufactured. Chlorophyll, hemoglobin, and insulin are examples of natural chemicals that are essential to life. Chemistry has great significance in understanding the environment, enhancing methods of producing, processing, and packaging food and making automobiles protected and more fuel-efficient.

Candidates who complete the chemistry major are knowledgeable in all aspects of modern chemistry. In graduation program, students cover course work in the major sub-disciplines of chemistry, organic, inorganic, physical, biological, and analytical. The syllabus of chemistry allow the student to choose array of career choices which include chemistry, medicine, law, business, chemical physics, environmental science, and secondary school teaching. Chemistry offers number of careers. Chemistry is a major subject of science. Candidates trained in chemistry or the chemical sciences may develop the ability which can be utilized in various fields. For example chemists prepare medicines that treat many diseases www. Candidates who are interested in chemistry subject must possess many skills which include ability to make critical observations and appropriate decisions, ability to operate scientific equipment, ability to organize and maintain accurate records, ability to conduct and clearly explain scientific research, proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and memorization, sensitivity to the health and safety of others.

In chemistry, candidate can also do courses in professional schools such as medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, occupational health, optometry, MBA programs and policy studies. Job of chemistry teacher is to teach courses for the chemical and physical properties and compositional changes of substances. They teach the methods of qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis. Chemists may involve in applied research projects which develop new products, or they may be engaged in theoretical research exploring new facts that may ultimately lead to new products. Many chemists work as administrators of these research projects or as executives in industry and government.

Finishing school is the beginning of the independent life for millions of school graduates. Many roads are open before them: technical schools, colleges, universities. Selecting the right career path, you need to be proactive about your decision because this choice will change your entire life! A good place to start is some self examination. First of all you should decide what are your or could be your talents. These are the things that you are naturally good at. They can be discovered and developed, but not taught. Secondly, concentrate on your skills — these are how you do something. They can be learnt and are transferable. The extent to which you can develop your skills can be influenced by your talents.

Finally, determine your character traits — whether you like dealing with people, what mental stimulation you need, whether you like physical work, your emotional make-up, how you handle stress and other emotions, what sort of environment you would like to work in. You might also want to look at what sorts of roles, industries, or areas interest you. Everyone of us has a unique set of skills and talents, so you should focus on them, and then think about where and how to apply them. To narrow your search down, you may like to create a list of the careers that you like and you are suitable for. You could also examine people who you know, and consider what their strengths are, and what sorts of roles and industries that they work in are.

It might be worth asking your friends and family what they think as well. In the modern society family support is extremely valuable. This way, there is the lower chance of having hard times in your life — you can totally rely on them. In this situation, I believe, is it fair to choose a job that gives you personal satisfaction even if the salary is lower than other available jobs. The job you do, makes a big difference in your everyday life. Who wants to be nervous and irritated every single day after a boring day at work? This can be caused by the wrong decision in choosing the career path. Finding it can be a bit challenge to a lot of people. But if you know how to balance your professional and personal lives, you will have more time to do the things that you want to do!

First of all, you should prioritize decide what things are the most important to you. Do your best to improve your personal skills. Secondly, manage your time and divide your day into smaller parts to create some sort of schedule. This will also put more limits and make you work more productively. In addition to all of this, you should enjoy yourself. If you do, then you will not feel stressed and burned out. This way, you can get out of your office happy and ready to face your personal life. The balance in your professional and personal lives is a mental state that is reached, when you do not have the need to separate these two worlds. All in all, planning your own future is one of the most difficult things to do. Essay 2. In what ways do your academic background and recent professional or managerial experience provide evidence of your potential for success in the program you selected?

In your eventual career? Majoring[Major] in International Economics and Trade, I have built a sound academic background of economics and finance during four years of undergraduate study in School of Economics, Fudan University. Through a series of curricular and research projects, I developed sound theoretical knowledge and strong analytical ability. My personality and ambition was shaped by active participation in various leadership positions and experience of professional practice. Ordinarily, you should figure out the very important perspective of yourself which can ensure reader of your suitability tp this program, if not extinguishment, e.

Your career goal, some specific internship, courses or research project arouse your great interest in some parts of this program. Basic core courses such as Political Economics, Micro and Macroeconomics empowered me to construct theoretical framework of economics, while Advanced Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Statistics, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics enabled me to apply quantitative methods to economic analysis. Meanwhile, I was the Vice General Secretary of the school students union and Vice President of FDU X-Games Club, both[All of the ] managerial[administrative] positions lasted for one year[You should delete it for one year is no better than not referred to] and greatly enhanced my leadership, creativity and sense of responsibility.

Equipped with knowledge and analytical skills gained from previous study, I started my trials in more complex researches. I was responsible for collecting and selecting massive amounts of data, translating company information between English and Chinese, and processing data using such software packages as STATA and EVIEWS. This research experience has enhanced my understanding of merger and acquisition at the micro level, as well as trained my practical ability of solving problems using econometric methods. Just take more efforts to your professional experience, your working endeavors your personal characteristics, and some special things to distinguish you.

These courses are highly demanding, taught with most up-to-date case analysis, group discussions and large amounts of literature reading. Being self-motivated, I found myself well adapted to this learning mode. I organized group projects on RMB equilibrium exchange rate and tools of monetary policy as group leader, presented learning outcome at class seminars. I led my team zealously participated in the class debate, and ranked 1st in performance graded by committee consists of the professor and teaching assistants. While ] The deeper I [get]involved, the more fascinated I became. In order to gain better understanding of the financial market through practice, I became an intern at the Settlement Center of Bank of East Asia China Limited in the summer of after standing out from dozens of competitors.

The Settlement Center is responsible for concentrated treasury management of BEA China, including the clearing and settlement of bonds, currencies, financial derivatives and the associated financial risk management. During the 4-month internship, I took prime responsibility in collecting capital adequacy ratio data and foreign exchange positions data from branches, then analyzed the data and compiled accurate statements and reports for the team to conduct effective management. My working passion also lies in risk management of securities by revaluation and credit evaluation.

My initiative and devotion has earned first-rate recommendation of the Department Head of the Settlement Center. Apart from daily work, I also voluntarily worked on the communication and cooperation between the back office and the front desk, which enhanced operation efficiency of both the Settlement Center and the Treasury Division. Impressed by my effort, the President of the Treasury Division offered me an opportunity to join the division as a trainee to work with and learn from experienced colleagues. The exposure in the front desk triggered my enthusiasm for the fast-changing financial markets, while the diligent practice at the Settlement Center reinforced my systematic comprehension of banking businesses.

This professional experience has shaped my analytical abilities and interpersonal skills, as well as my career goals. I am highly willing to work as a financial analyst in an investment bank, an asset management company or a financial consulting firm after earning a M. in International Economics and Finance. Eventually, with financial expertise and first-hand experience, I will realize my long-term goal of founding an investment company specialized in investment portfolios management. I am on the way towards my portrayed blueprint, and the distinguished MAief program of Brandeis IBS would be one milestone along the expedition.

Education has always been an important aspect of my life. Although there have been trials and tribulations I have surmounted them. My story is not one of a privileged life not wanting or wishing for anything. Instead it is a dream, a dream to be able to fulfill what is my destiny. On December 14, I will have my associate's degree; it has been a long time coming, and it is finally here. I have managed to maintain full time work to support myself and my family while attending to school to accomplish one of my life long dreams. By attending Drexel this would not only afford me the opportunity to continue my dream of furthering my education but it will also allow me to advance in my industry.

My short term career goals include furthering my education in business administration; Drexel will allow me to do that. Long term Drexel will give the tools, confidence, and background necessary to advance even further in my career goals. Business has been my passion for a number of years, Drexel will allow me to have more of a hand on approach, and it will allow me to be even more of a key player in the business industry. Over time my goals continue to grow and advance, Drexel will allow me to make my current goals a reality and work toward my future goals and the ones that I will create in the future.

The main way that Drexel would help me with my current and future goals is through affording me a great education, with a wonder staff and plentiful resources as my disposal. These tools are priceless, and impossible to truly measure. All I can say is that it is my beliefs that Drexel is the best place for me to continue my education. Through researching the school and the programs that are offered through Drexel, I believe that the business program best suits my life style. The program allows flexibility which is extremely important in my life. My short term career goals include: advancing my knowledge base in the field of business administration, balancing work and family, becoming more confident in my abilities as a degreed professional, learn how to deal more efficiently in my professional life and personal life.

Drexel can help me reach these goals by, affording me the opportunity to have a flexible school schedule, by teaching me the necessary tools to needed to become more confident in my personal and professional abilities, giving me a platform to increase my skills in business as well as interpersonal skills necessary to survive in the business world. Long term goals include, advancing into a higher position with my current employer, or possibly starting my own business, becoming a motivator and teacher to others through my knowledge and experience. Drexel can aid me in reaching these long term goals in the same ways that Drexel can help me reach the short term career goals. One is through allowing a platform to gain further education in the field of business.

By advancing my knowledge in the field of business, I hope to be able to be an inspiration to others, as well as have the tools necessary to be effective in my endeavors as well as help others obtain their lifelong goals. Drexel University is the perfect fit for me. I know that if I am allowed to become a part of the student body all of my dreams will become realities. There is no where to go but up with a Drexel education. If given the opportunity you will not be disappointed. Education is necessary in continuing my goals. My Bachelors is just the beginning, just a single step leading up the stairway of my lifelong dreams.

Thank you in advance for considering me for your Bachelors program. This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Did you know that we have over 70, essays on 3, topics in our database? Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. Essay on Career and Career Choice. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Aug 10, Accessed February 2, com , Aug Every student carries the unique history of their past and this determines how they view. In England, the successful debut of public assistance mechanism after the Second World War has dramatically changed the political, economic and social landscape.

This baronial and selfless project has seen. CH 1 Answers Multiple Choice Questions 1. Observe that by ascribing rights to the unborn, i. English Writing Fundamentals Assignment 3: Topic of Your Choice Essay Professor T. Finch Christopher Casselman There are many challenges to online study; however, time management, course load and. To offer a representation of the organic nutrient pick procedure based on the findings of this survey, a conceptual theoretical account was drawn up Figure 1. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Home Page Work Career Essay on Career and Career Choice. Table of contents. What Is A Career? A career is a field of work that you have chosen to specialize in and commit to long-term.

It is a way to use your talents and skills to earn a living and potentially advance in your chosen field. Your career may span several years or even decades, and it can be a source of both satisfaction and frustration. There are many factors to consider when choosing a career, such as your interests, skills, and values. It is important to do your research and explore different career options before making a decision. Once you have chosen a career, it is important to commit to it and continue to learn and grow in your field.

Therefore, the single most important purpose of high school education is to produce well rounded graduates who are career-ready. Being career-ready is the most important purpose of high as it enhances a smooth transition of student from young men and women to adulthood without any difficulty. Being career-ready has many advantages to high school graduates because it gives them the opportunity to venture into different careers and jobs, trainings and post secondary education, and to achieve lifelong knowledge. Our current high school system is facing unprecedented obstacles in preparing student for the post secondary experience and the rapidly dynamic job market. However, high school education has been able to produce well rounded individuals who are able to contribute to the economy prosperity of their country.

Ten years ago the mission of high school education was to produce graduates who can succeed at college level. Nonetheless as years passes by, the mission of high school education has changed. High school education is no longer only viewed as a stepping stone to college but also as a stepping stone to careers. The main reason why high education was expended to accommodate careers was due to the fact that the current economy is more demanding than ever. The economy requires every individual to contribute towards its growth. This can only be achieved by ensuring high school graduates have the knowledge and experience of contributing positively towards economic prosperity even without going to college. In the past decades high school students were only prepared for collage education.

This has a negative effect to our economy because the lives of students who are unable to join college were ruined. Students were only prepared on how to handle collage life thus those who failed to join collages for one reason or another, finished school with little or no knowledge that can assist them in their future life. In other words they were not career-ready, meaning they are not qualified to be employed and their chances of contributing to the economy growth were little. Apart from preparing students for various careers and jobs, high education also provide student with lifelong knowledge. The main objective of equipping students with lifelong knowledge is to give them the necessary knowledge that will enable them to perform exemplarily in various spheres of life.

In the job market the nature of work is dynamic and it keeps on changing. When the nature of work keep on changing the performance of employees who do not have lifelong knowledge is likely to drop tremendously. Lifelong knowledge is also important to the future lives of high school students. In the future, high school graduates might not be employed to their area of specialization but with lifelong knowledge they can easily venture into other career fields seamlessly by applying the knowledge they acquired in school. Therefore, apart from acquiring good grades in school there is greater need for high school students to be taught how to apply the knowledge they acquired in school into various fields.

Critical thinking is defined as the ability of generating, organizing and analyzing information. Thus, thinking critically before making decisions reduce the chances of making an error which boost the chance of an individual to perform well at the work place and to produce high yields. The other key factor towards producing career-ready high school graduates is by equipping students with postsecondary and training skills. These skills are important to the lives of students as it give them recommendations, resources and strategies they require to thrive in their collage education. Postsecondary education and training skills are valuable resources during the transition of an individual from childhood to adulthood. Postsecondary education and training skills guide student on how to begin and thrive in postsecondary programs.

Among the key aspects provided by Postsecondary education and training to students include: supporting students to attain financial, encouraging student on career planning and long-term educational program as well as supporting students in enrolling, applying and choosing the best postsecondary program. Therefore, equipping high school students with postsecondary education and training is important because it assist them into choosing the right career path in their lives. In conclusion, the single most important purpose of high school should be to prepared student to be career-ready once they complete their studies.

The job market is very competitive as it requires competent workers who can increase the productivity of the organization they work at. Hence, the government and all stakeholders involved should ensure the necessary resources are put in place to ensure high school graduates are career-ready. Note: this sample is kindly provided by a student like you, use it only as a guidance. ID Password recovery email has been sent to email email. Don't waste time. I agree. HIRE A WRITER Sign in. World of Writing Hub Blog Free Essay Writing Tools Quizzes and Tests Essay Topics Types of Essays Free Essay Examples. Who We Are Contact Us Our Writers Our Guarantees FAQ Honor Code WowEssays Reviews Our Services. ORDER PAPER LIKE THIS. Introduction High schools education is very important to the life of every child in the world.

Cite this page Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Vancouver Chicago ASA IEEE AMA. Accessed 07 February Essay On Career-Ready. December

Everyone loves this stuff and wants themselves as well as their family to be happy and prosper all time. In order to achieve all these things, everyone works hard to make a better career. Life wouldn't be complete without a career. Since childhood, every child thinks of what he wants to become in the future. Today we will focus on the career in detail. This topic is useful for students who are at the stage of choosing their careers. Everyone has a dream to have a luxurious lifestyle full of comfort. To enjoy this lifestyle we have to make a good career. Developing a career plan is an integral part of managing personal development and learning.

Anyone can set themselves up for a fruitful, fulfilling career if they put in some hard work, do some planning, and conduct some serious self-reflection. Choosing a career involves a number of factors like future scope, skills required, etc. Before selecting a career, it is important to identify the areas of interest. It is well known that academic studies lead to a wide range of careers. One needs to study hard for better career prospects. A hobby or thing that anyone loves to do can easily be turned into a career. A number of hobbies correlate well with actual career positions.

However, one should also think of the future aspect of that field. A career is an important factor that enhances your societal importance and relationship. Do not give up on your dreams, choose your career wisely. We generally concentrate on our studies. We enjoy this stage very much. Later when we are promoted to a higher standard, we understand the importance of studies. After a few years when we are at the ending stage of our school days, we realize the importance and meaning of a career. At this time we really have the pressure of choosing a good career. A career is a future path that leads us toward the path of success. From childhood, we are instructed to study hard and score good grades.

We are told to work hard to make a better career. A good career leads to a good life. A career is important to attain success in life. From personal to professional life everything is affected by a career. A good career develops your personality and quality of living. Society also respects people who have a good career. Your lifestyle and future also depend on your career. A career affects your entire life and hence it is considered important to choose your career wisely. Many students aim to become a doctor, engineers, teachers, etc in the future. To attain this profession first we need to study hard. Choosing your career is a very critical decision. There are many factors that affect the decision of choosing a career.

The first thing that we should consider is our area of interest. Students should make their careers in the field they are interested. Our interest makes us more perfect in our job. Another thing is the future prospect, students should also take care of future opportunities. The field you are opting for must have a good future scope so that later it gives you fruitful results. Everything in the world is continuously changing. So keeping this in mind is very important when choosing your career. Other things like working environment, salary, extra benefits, etc should also be concerned. One must feel satisfied with their career.

You rarely get a chance to correct the mistake you have taken while choosing a career. Therefore, students should think twice before proceeding toward the future. A career cannot be built overnight, you have to focus on it beforehand. The below given factors will help you to achieve good career goals. Hard work: Nothing can be achieved without hard work. Continuous hard work and studies will help you to achieve your career goal. Confidence: Today, confidence is important in both personal as well as professional life. Confidence will give you the power to show your skills and also help you to do well in your career.

Determination: Determination toward your work will always give you a profitable result. One should never lose hope and always remain determined. We have to take many decisions in life but the most critical decision is to choose a perfect career. The option to choose a career comes only once in life. Therefore, we should start thinking about our career way before so that we do not make any mistake. We can also take help from parents, elders, teachers, and relatives. Today, we have the internet, the solution to all the problems. Students should collect proper knowledge and choose a career that suits their interests and future.

I hope the above provided essay on Career will be helpful for every student in making their career decisions. A career is a long-term goal while a job can be done for earning money. Career planning is a process that helps in choosing the best career that matches your interest, skills, and talent. A career counselor helps you in choosing a career. Shweta Srivastava is a young, aspiring, motivated and hard working girl. She holds bachelor degree in computer science and engineering. She loves to write articles on IT and various other fields. Many articles and blogs written by her has been published on different social sites and blogging sites as well. She has positive attitude and always being loyal to her work. Shweta believes to have patience to achieve great results. Login in to your account.

Lost your password? Lost Password. Back to login. com — Collections of Essay for Students of all Class in English. Essay Topics for Class 4 Essay Topics for Class 5 Essay Topics for Class 6 Essay Topics for Class 7 Essay Topics for Class 8 Essay Topics for Class 9 Essay Topics for Class 10 Essay Topics for Class 11, Speech Paragraph Swachh Bharat Abhiyan - Research. Essay on Career Essay. by Shweta Srivastava. A career is the future of our job or education that later determines our success. Previous Story Essay on Books. Next Story Essay on My School Picnic. Shweta Srivastava Shweta Srivastava is a young, aspiring, motivated and hard working girl. Related articles Essay on Health Essay. Essay on Causes, Effects and Prevention of Corona Virus Essay. Leadership Essay Essay. Essay on Role Model Essay.

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My Goal In Life Essay,100 Words Essay On My Goal In Life

WebCareer Essay 4 ( words) Introduction. Building a career requires education, skill, determination as well as good opportunity. The key is not to give up and continually WebDec 29,  · High schools education is very important to the life of every child in the world. High school education and experience is critical to children because it enable them to Web1) What 's the most important thing for you to get from your career? This is a question I have been asking myself quite a bit lately as I approach postgrad life. I believe the most Web Words Essay On My Goal In Life. A goal is a desire you have to accomplish yourself. If one wants to succeed in life, one must have a goal. Being a teacher is my life's ambition. WebHow To Write a Rousing Career Essay 1. Devise an Engrossing Title. The first thing to think about when writing an essay is coming up with an 2. Introduce With a Hook. After WebNov 19,  · Example Of Essay On My Career Path. Type of paper: Essay. Topic: Finance, Path, Students, Market, Career, Trade, Choice, University. Pages: 3. Words: ... read more

Several assessments will be examined and applied to this plan, such as the Kuder scale, and Meyers Brigg. She has her own clinic which is well-established. Even during his senior project in college, the dean expressed displeasure with the lack of progress and threatened to revoke his scholarship if the assignment wasn't completed by the next three days. It is essential to maintain your LinkedIn Profile to grab attention of the employers. Sign in and access our resources on Exams, Study Material, Counseling, Colleges etc.

High school education is no longer only viewed as a stepping stone to college but also as a stepping stone to careers, essay on careers. A Reflection On My Career Path. Career planning is the process of evaluating your interests, preferences, skills and objectives, all to ensure that your work is in good agreement with personal values and strengths. com, Dec Everyone loves this stuff and wants themselves as well as their family to be happy and prosper all time. We can explore the various available career options on the internet as well as their prospects before we make the final decision. Abdul Kalam overcame obstacles to achieve his aim while serving essay on careers India's 11th president from to

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