Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Exploratory essay topics

Exploratory essay topics

65 Exploratory Essay Topics,The Three Challenges of Writing an Exploratory Essay

Web9 rows · Feb 1,  · As mentioned previously, the primary objective of an exploratory essay paper is to help the Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins WebGenerally, an exploratory essay will have the following five sections: 1) Introduction The introduction should be used to introduce the topic of the essay and present the thesis Web4 rows · Jan 31,  · Develop your own exploratory essay topic question by taking any topic and then creating WebExploratory Essays Do: Seek to understand a topic thoroughly. Look at three or more sides of an issue. Use an objective tone and style. Sometimes conclude with your own WebJan 30,  · What Are Some Good Topics For An Exploratory Essay Topic? Schools should focus more on curriculum activities rather than academics. Every employee ... read more

To write these types of essays, the writer must have the cognitive abilities to come up with a solution. That's why many students are taking the help of essay writers to grab the required information and skills. Exploratory essays are non - fictitious and a type of open essay. In the exploratory essay, the writer must examine a problem to find a suitable conclusion. They are generally reflective, contemplative, and ruminative in nature. Our mental health is equally important as our physical health, and there are a lot of topics to pen down when it comes to mental health.

You can select from the below topics too:. With academics, participating in sports activities is equally essential for students, so it is a great choice to write on topics related to sports. When you select the above-mentioned formal exploratory essay topics, your chances of getting excellent grades increase to the next level. So, without wasting another minute go and do your writings well! The selection of a good topic is not an essay exercise, and your choice of topic can either make your entire marks or lower your grades. Without knowing the right mountaineering tricks, the summit will look unreachable. The same goes for this writing. Without adhering to these tips, you may never know how to write an exploratory essay.

Are you too busy or feeling a little too under the weather to get your essay done? It may be that you need a professional eye to help you craft the ideal exploratory essay for school work. Handmadewriting is a message away! With many platforms offering different writing services, finding the right help can seem like an uphill task. However, with Handmadewriting, you have no worries! Here, you have licensed and credible experts to work with. The writers always deliver top-notch writing timely. Handmadewriting aims to accommodate everyone, even if they have a tight budget.

Place your order by simply signing up on the platform and filling in your requirements and a seasoned writer will do the rest! Student life can often be quite challenging because students have to deal with challenging college essay writing assignments. To facilitate the learning process, many services help you complete written work and get high scores. Now we will tell you about the best services that you can turn to and get high-quality papers. Essay Writing Service […]. Due to human nature, we draw conclusions only when life gives us a lesson since the experience of others is not so effective and powerful.

Therefore, when analyzing and sorting out common problems we face, we may trace a parallel with well-known book characters or real historical figures. Moreover, we often compare our situations with […]. Selecting an academic paper topic is a crucial step in the writing process. The variety of nursing research topics makes it challenging to find the appropriate paper theme. But if you choose a sound nursing research paper subject, it will contribute to a flawless thesis statement, using relevant resources, a smooth writing process, and impressive […]. Articles Bloggers Examples Guides Samples. Guides 01 November, 14 minutes read Author: Kate Smith.

What is an Exploratory Essay? Exploratory Questions: Types Having a clear understanding of the information you aim to get helps you stay on track while carrying out your investigation. Here are the types of exploratory questions you need to ask when writing this essay: Fact questions Convergent questions Divergent questions Evaluative questions Fact questions A fact question usually has an exact answer. Example: Who invented the payphone? Convergent questions Though similar to a fact question, a convergent question differs in that it calls for a lengthier explanation than those mentioned above. Exploratory Essay Outline Essay outlines help you organize your thoughts and structure your paragraphs better to avoid leaving out any relevant information while writing.

An excellent exploratory essay should follow this pattern: Introduction, Body paragraphs, Conclusion. Make the issue being tackled appear critical Describe the issue discussed as an unresolved puzzle: The problem-solving nature of humans would also leap to solve this riddle; that way, they will stay hooked to your essay. Cite a captivating quote Pose a thought-provoking question or series of questions: Provocative questions challenge accepted thesis and stir the reader to rethink. Use statistics: Quoting reputable sources, describing past events, and how long the issue has lingered also does the trick. Body Paragraphs After the introduction, next comes the body of the essay.

In tabling their thoughts, you should take note of the following when writing: Elaborate their view on the issue Why they have such perspective State the cases that pitched their opinions to these Support their perspectives with facts Compare their diverse points of view Tips on writing impressive body paragraphs: Start each paragraph with a topic sentence, usually the main point of interest in a paragraph, and stress this sentence. Back this main interest for each paragraph up with facts, quotes, or data.

These act as supporting points to give more meaning to the main point and lead to a logical conclusion. Try to balance the number of sentences for each paragraph where possible and where not possible, achieve a closer number. Underwritten paragraphs may appear to the reader as having underdeveloped points and vice versa. Essay conclusion An exploratory essay conclusion does not imply a repetition of the summary of your findings. Files Missing! Add File Nah! I will take my chances. Yes, alert me for offers and important updates. Harrison Walker 28 February, There are several points to consider while writing an exploratory essay. Firstly, exploratory essays are more about the problem or the question rather than a thesis. Secondly, it is more logical to analyze all the possible solutions to the problem in the essay, showing all the pros and cons of those solutions before choosing one.

And lastly, it is always recommended to write the essay without having any particular conclusion in mind. However, there is the retrospective way of writing an exploratory essay where the conclusion is chosen first, and then the rest of the essay is written to fit the ending. Is adoption a good way of building a family? Can single parents raise their kids as well as the parent couples? Should single and childless individuals be allowed to adopt? Should parents be the primary caretakers and educators of the children? What significance does religion impose on parenting and family life?

How important is having biological children? The role of elderly relatives in the family life Is running a Marathon race good for your body? What is the best diet plan to maintain a healthy weight? Should TV commercials use more regular people than super skinny models? Effects of early marriage Is it a challenge to be raised by same-sex parents? What are the challenges of raising a child in a war-torn region? Will it be okay to replace teachers with super-intelligent computers? The effects of terrorism on the society What is the relation between financial security and the health of a relationship or marriage?

Challenges in an interracial marriage What are the challenges of marrying someone from a different religion? Are dictatorships as bad as they are alleged? How are safe genetically modified foods? Can mobile phones cause cancer in the brain? Which is better: traditional way of learning or online or distance learning? Has social media made us more distant from the reality? Should college education be free to everyone? Should there be a limit on the use of technology is the school premises? What is the best technique to prepare for a test? Is it time for the school students to switch to digital textbooks? Does consumption of coffee help young people learn better? Should young couple get married early to avoid premarital sex temptation?

What are the effects of being married in your teenage? Why does arranged marriage last longer than love marriages? Second marriages are more likely to end up in divorce — how true is this statement? Who are happier: Single people or people in a relationship? Should the authority reduce the amount of sexual content on the television? Can music play a crucial role in helping rehabilitation of the prisoners? Is China going to be the next superpower in the near future? Should running be promoted as an exercise for the obese people? Does coffee do more harm than good for pregnant women?

Is it justified to blame the fast food chains for increasing number of teenage obesity in the world? How do students manage time when they have plenty of pending assignments to prepare? How much effect will the Brexit results impose on the global politics? Why is Uber failing to establish its business in China? Does being different from each other help couples have a successful marriage life? E-readers and tablets: Do they endorse more harm than good? Is it ethical to conduct gene screening? Should the steroid users be restricted from joining any sports activity? Is the current technology too advanced for us? Are we getting lazier with the advancement of technology? Is it possible to control human mind with chips? Is Facebook responsible for the infringement of privacy?

Is technology stealing the creativity from its users? Does the increase in the use of advanced gadgets causing cancer among the users? Is golf only meant for the rich in the community? Chess is a sedentary indoor game, but why is it considered as a beneficial sports activity? Should homosexuality be legalized in every country? How fruitful is online dating? Are long distance relationships effective? Gender equality: Is it real or just a utopian concept? How fruitful is art as a profession? Why is graffiti considered as an illegal art? Who are better in the field of arts: Left-handed persons or right-handed individuals?

Can music be used to educate people? Should there be an ideal length for a feature film? How effective music is in treating mental illnesses? The connection between music and human psychology? Is music appropriate for all ages? Can we make genuine friends online? How should we stop cyberbullying? How important is online privacy? Should media personnel be punished for presenting distorted facts and details? How safe are the online transactions? WhatsApp: Has it made communication easier? Is it necessary to regulate the online content? Globalization: the advantages and disadvantages How effective is the peacekeeping force in maintaining global peace? Should Military services be compulsory?

How ethical is it to judge a person in a foreign country? Should the minimum legal age for driving a motor vehicle be reduced? Is drug testing in the workplace a violation of individual rights? Will it help people be more considerate of law and order if the court proceedings broadcast on TV? Is it okay to advertise alcohol? If yes, how it should be presented? Should marijuana be legalized? Should the capital punishments be banned? Does the police force favor lawbreakers from their race? Should failed parenting be penalized? Should children be rewarded for good conduct? The challenges of raising a kid as a single parent How can the parents nurture the talents of their children? Why is excessive pampering bad for the kids? Which is best for the kids: small and nuclear family or big and joint family?

Unlike other types of essays such as persuasive or argumentative ones, the exploratory essays do not aim to convince your audience of something. What they aim to do, though, is to explore in an objective way an idea or a topic and to find the best solution to a problem or an answer to a question. While composing an exploratory essay, students should not look for definite solutions or answers and instead focus on the topic and do some exploration of their own. Even though an exploratory essay should end with a personal opinion about the presented facts, it goes without saying that this opinion is not the only truth. The exploratory essays are usually based on an exhaustive research and every student that wishes to approach such an essay is encouraged to use fact-based articles instead of writing it from the perspective of an observer.

We composed some very helpful exploratory essay topics that you can consider for your next assignment:. If you want to know how to write an informative essay feel free to discover our blog. Order now. Home How It Works Prices Blog Reviews Essay Examples Order now. Exploratory Essay Topics. We composed some very helpful exploratory essay topics that you can consider for your next assignment: Early marriage and its effects Can a single parent do the same job as a two-parent family in raising their children? Adoption as a good alternative for starting a family Same-sex parents — what are the challenges and effects? Can a family be raised with ease by same-sex parents? Does having same-sex parents represent a challenge for the child?

Divorce — the influence on the entire society and how do we cope with it? How are the lives of children impacted by divorce? Interracial marriage — are there any challenges and what are those? Marrying someone of a different religion — are there any challenges? Terrorism and the effects it produces Response to terrorism — is it justified? Does it reach the wanted results? Raising children in a war-torn area. What are the challenges? The connection between a healthy marriage or relationship and financial security Is replacing human teachers with computers a good idea that is worth taking into consideration? Renewable energy — is it a viable solution and will the world be capable to produce enough of it? Are developed countries responsible for helping the developing economies?

Gene screening — is it an ethical medical practice? Is technology a threat to our society? Recycling and green products — are there any positive effects? Does voting really make a difference nowadays? Does Internet damage our children and society? Environmental effects that are generated by the increased India and China industries Internet of Things — is the world ready for the changes it will bring? Should we change our taxation system or the one in place now is fair? Nanotechnology — positive and negative outcomes of embracing this new technology Cellphones that cause brain cancer — truth or just myth? Social Media and College Students — are there any positive effects that can be contoured?

Traditional learning compared to long-distance or online teaching. What are the ups and downs of each approach and can a comparison be made? Being adopted — what are the possible challenges you will face? Dictatorships — are they really as bad as the west wants us to believe? How safe is it for the world to consume and produce genetically modified vegetables and food? Consuming genetically altered foods — some of the main concerns and issues of this practice Is bad behavior in children caused by bad genetics or bad upbringing? Global Warming — a real global issue or is it exaggerated by media?

Electric cars — should we be more interested and supportive of their development and use? How are interpersonal relationships affected by social media? Personal relationships in the era of the Internet are becoming stronger or more distant? Is terrorism reduced or worsened by the US government? Advantages and disadvantages regarding the recently proposed immigration policy Will the issue of immigration be resolved by building a wall at the border? Obesity and its psychological effects, especially when talking about teenagers Is love one of the vital factors when you choose your spouse? Can we still discuss the topic of the man being the main breadwinner in a family nowadays?

Can a long-distance relationship really survive? Differences regarding what women and men are looking for in a relationship Breaking up a relationship — are women or men more responsible? Men being the pursuers in romantic relationships: is it still practical in modern times? Relationships — why do people get into them? Being single and happy — myth or reality? Will Tesla and Google reach success in developing self-driving, electrical cars? Staying married — some of the most motivating factors that you should consider Should you be friends with your ex?

Should the marriage of the children be a matter of concern for the parents? Is it bad to have premarital sex? Who should have this role? Is school modified or left without essence by technology? Should we limit political advertisement? Should schools use digital courses and books as a result of technological advancement? Can the shootings be controlled by a viable gun-control policy? Should women athletes be paid more money? Are the US really at risk of losing their position as the ultimate technology leader? What is the reason behind more and more women going to universities in Middle East countries? Is Brexit an example to be followed or a one-time case? Is China really a global superpower? Should art and music be used frequently to assist the rehabilitation of prisoners? Is the battle against global warming a losing one?

Should the amount of sexual content be reduced by the film boards? What are the bad effects of caffeine on young individuals? Is caffeine really as addictive as some claim? Are the caffeine effects on women that are pregnant accurate? Are they medically sustained as well? Should obese people be encouraged to run more? The resurrection of terrorist activities on a global level and the role that the US army plays in it Studying for tests and exams — how should students deal with time-management issues Should college loans be replaced by grants for a better system? Teenagers that are being bullied — what are the long-term psychological effects?

Do fast food chains contribute to the growing number of obese teenagers? Food allergies seem to be more frequent nowadays. What could be the reason? Can the high healthcare costs be blamed on the government? Is there a proper time to commit to a relationship that leads to marriage? Is weight-lifting and power training good for your body? How is the behavior of teenagers affected by violent video games? Should children be allowed to use phones and social media? Why is there always a difference of opinion when it comes to the US and Russia? How is the EU affected by the refugee crisis in Europe? How will Brexit shape the EU?

How will NATO be affected if the United States stop the funding as Trump sustains? Will Israel and the Arab countries make peace or the war will go on forever? Can peace be promoted and encouraged through the Olympics, World Cup, and other such events? The economy in East Asian countries — Malaysia and Singapore The end of oil — is the world really ready for it? Should the world really be worried about North Korea nuclear program? Is World War III really possible? Should we be concerned about genetically modified food? The first female POTUS — is the world ready? Are the events likely to be repeated? Reflective Essay Topics. How to write a CV or Curriculum Vitae.

120 Exploratory Essay Topics,What is an Exploratory Essay?

WebThe introduction should outline the problem you explored and why it’s important. In addition, you should briefly discuss 1) some of the problem’s possible causes; 2) the WebExploratory Essays Do: Seek to understand a topic thoroughly. Look at three or more sides of an issue. Use an objective tone and style. Sometimes conclude with your own WebJan 30,  · What Are Some Good Topics For An Exploratory Essay Topic? Schools should focus more on curriculum activities rather than academics. Every employee Web9 rows · Feb 1,  · As mentioned previously, the primary objective of an exploratory essay paper is to help the Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins WebGenerally, an exploratory essay will have the following five sections: 1) Introduction The introduction should be used to introduce the topic of the essay and present the thesis Web4 rows · Jan 31,  · Develop your own exploratory essay topic question by taking any topic and then creating ... read more

Usually, there is a point in the beginning which you need to prove in an essay, but in an exploratory essay, you need to write the whole essay to discover the point. Chat Now Have any Query? In tabling their thoughts, you should take note of the following when writing: Elaborate their view on the issue Why they have such perspective State the cases that pitched their opinions to these Support their perspectives with facts Compare their diverse points of view Tips on writing impressive body paragraphs: Start each paragraph with a topic sentence, usually the main point of interest in a paragraph, and stress this sentence. Our team is filled with fast essay typers , skilled essay editors and experienced essay proofreaders who allow us to deliver your essays on time with zero errors and zero traces of plagiarism. Firstly, exploratory essays are more about the problem or the question rather than a thesis. Exploratory Essay Topics The Student Helpline Academic Blog Exploratory Essay Topics.

good quality work,i always get a good mark from here and i strongly recommend other to use it. Exploratory essay topics eating the foods cooked with microwaves increase the risk of cancer? Unlike other types of essays such as persuasive or argumentative ones, the exploratory essays do not aim to convince your audience of something. Now we will tell you about the best services that you can turn to and get high-quality papers. Should we limit political advertisement? This type of essay tables the different perspectives of people on a topic from a neutral angle, and at the same time, highlights their mutual understanding, exploratory essay topics. Newsletter Signup Send.

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